What are the top signs that you need a Massage Therapy Session

Massage therapy has already proven to benefit the body and mind. There are many instances where our body signals us to get a massage through different symptoms. In this blog, you will discover what are the top signs that you need a massage therapy session.


1. Muscle Tension and Stiffness

Having muscle tension and stiffness in the areas of the shoulders, neck, and back can be an indicator that you need to get a massage session involved in your daily routine. These points in the body can easily get tense and stiff due to the repetitive motions done by these muscles in the body.

Apart from these, due to the modern culture of staring at smartphones and computers for too long, the muscles in the neck and shoulders become too stiff and tense. This results in developing neck humps and pain in these parts while affecting the overall functioning.

It is when massages play their part and help to loosen up the tissues and muscles, also making them more elongated so that the muscles function flexibly without affecting the range of motions.

2. Chronic Pain

It is very noticeable how the corporate working culture and the use of smartphones with doom scrolling have been affecting the muscles and bodies of individuals. They often have a bad posture and find it very difficult to do their daily routines.

Moreover, the bad postures and the constant pressure placed on a group of muscles make them more misaligned and unbalanced causing chronic pain in these muscle groups. The massages help to loosen up the muscles and make them more aligned and balanced so that the pressure is not being targeted to the muscle group.

In addition to that, the massages also cause to form knots and adhesions that may cause pain in the muscles. But with certain techniques and methods, the massage helps to break the knots and adhesions, helping to cut the pain caused by them.

At Chameli Massage Center in Ajman, we provide a variety of massages curated to ease all your health concerns including chronic pain, muscle tightness, stress, and more.

3. Headaches or Migraines

Nowadays most people have headaches and migraines mostly from stress and from having so much screen time. Headaches that come regularly are not only just painful but also hinder your daily functioning. Getting a massage is one of the best things you can do to reduce migraines and headaches effectively.

The kneading and rhythmic tapping added to the massage session helps to loosen up the tight and tensed muscles helping to relieve the pain caused by them. Besides that, massage also stimulates the production of endorphins, which are the body's natural painkiller. You feel more relieved after the massage, while naturally releasing the pain.

At Ajman Spa, we have massage therapists who are very skilled and experienced in massages and they're ready to offer you the best ones, especially cursed for your health concerns.

4. Feeling Stressed or Anxious

When overwhelmed with tight work schedules and balancing work life with personal life, the majority of individuals find it harder to balance and are often stressed and anxious. If you are anxious and stressed too, then it is your signal from the body to get a massage session.

Additionally, more people also suffer from symptoms of anxiety and stress physically and emotionally. Therefore massage helps to reduce the overall symptoms that affect the body. Even if it is the headaches, gut issues, chest tightness, or shortness of breath, the massage helps in relieving them.

The massage session helps to realise the hormones such as dopamine and serotonin which help to improve the mood naturally, while also the reduction in the release of the cortisol hormones helps to lower the stress levels.


At Chameli Spa Ajman, we provide the best massage that your body needs. By analyzing your concerns and health problems, we carefully cater the perfect massage for you. Also, you can choose to get your massage section customized so that you can get the desired result you want.

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